Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Community Update

Okay! We sold the house. We have moved out. We are staying with friends. Don't we have the coolest friends ever?! So....what's next? Are you on the edge of your seats? Are you just dying to see where we are going from here? Of course you are.

We have found some land...about 20 acres. It is absolutely beautiful. The location is perfect. It is set back from the road and surrounded by trees. In fact it is slightly elevated above the surrounding land, so as you look out around you, all you see is trees surrounding the gently rolling pasture. The present owner looked into developing it at one time, so some of the legwork has already been done for us. It was found capable of supporting a septic field for up to 18 houses. Perfect! There is even more land adjoining it that will become available down the road. One side of the land even runs to a large 'creek' that adjoins the lake. I'm thinking morning kayaking!

We have prayed and prayed about it, and it looks like the perfect place to build a community. The only thing standing in our way now is money down. We can afford the payments. However, it seems appears that if you are purchasing land without any existing structures, it is considered a farm loan, and they want you to be able to put 15-20 percent down. Well....we aren't very shy, but we are shy of the amount we would need. So, we are examining our options, and praying, and going to see if the owner would be willing to finance, and praying some more.

Did I mention we were praying? We truly believe that this is the location God has directed us toward. If it is, we can't fail. Something will come together and it will work toward the goal He has intended. We are expecting a miracle. Who knows? Maybe I'll stop to pick up the mail and find some kind of refund check for a few thousand dollars. It could happen! God can make anything happen!!

We could use some prayers though, folks. This is going to be amazing, and you will feel wonderful knowing you played a part in the prayer process that helped make it a reality. So please join us in prayer for protection, favor, and just plain old miracles.

Thanks friends!

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