Looking for the ultimate Christmas gift? Buy one of these computers for your child and one will be given to another child. Note that $200 of the purchase price is tax deductible.
We usually spend very little on our children for Christmas. They are so blessed anyways. But this year we are probably going to spend a little more, and get them a computer to share. As a benefit, we will be giving another child a tool for learning. I want my children to know that I wish to provide for the children of the world in addition to them. I hope that by so doing, I will help nourish a desire in them to provide for the needs of people less fortunate than themselves.
These computers have recently become available to donate. Starting tomorrow, November 12, and through November 26, they will be available to purchase for your personal use. The catch is that they are only available on a buy one, give one basis. What an incredible plan! For less than half the price of a standard laptop, you can purchase two - one to keep, one to give. Please check out their site, and read more about this incredible product. The frequently asked questions section should answer any questions you may have.
What a valuable lesson our children can learn from our purchase decisions. Please consider this organization and others like it, when you are planning your shopping list.
Hey, I am cross replying to your comment on going green.
How do you make your laundry detergent????
I have used a "natural" commercial detergent BUT I figured there must me something else I could do that would be cheaper, less packaging and just as effective.
Would you share??
Hey Jennifer! I found several recipes for homemade laundry soap. Most of them involve cooking ingredients to create a gooey liquid soap. I have been using a powder (much easier!). Here is the recipe:
1 cup shredded laundry bar soap *
1/2 cup 20 Mule Team Borax
1/2 cup Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (not laundry detergent)
1/4 cup Oxy Clean
You will only need 1 T for a regular size load, or 2 T for a large (normal for us) load. I use a coffee scoop.
*Fels Naptha - made by Dial. This seems to be the number one choice in the recipes I found. I couldn't find it except online (kind of expensive once you added freight). I got my grocery store to order it. It took months. It just came in and I picked it up today, but haven't tried it yet. It is bright yellow and smells kind of like Dial soap.
OR Zote - This is what I have been using. I found it in a Latin market. They actually had a big selection of laundry bar soap. I found out online that it is supposed to make great catfish bait too - haven't tried it though. It is pink and smells a little like Murphy's oil soap. (one bar makes 3 batches)
OR Colgate Octagon - I found this easily at the grocery store with bath soap. It smells pretty good, but is a hard soap, so it was hard to shred. Weird khaki color.
They say you can use any mild soap like Ivory, or a castile soap. I have started making soap (tons of fun!), and hope to start using my own in the future.
Instead of fabric softener, I use 1/4 - 1/2 cup white vinegar. It rinses the clothes very clean. It doesn't leave a scent to your laundry unless you add an essential oil. They come out of the dryer smelling like they have been dried on a line. I have gotten so used to the natural 'clean' smell, that fabric softener smells too perfumy.
Hope this helps.
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