Change is everywhere we look here at the farm. We have been home from the mountains for nearly three months now, and are attempting to catch up on all the necessary updates. Of course, the animals have been working on a few updates of their own as well.
Curly and her new companions |
For several years we have been slowly working on increasing the amount of our food that we grow and raise ourselves. We have felt that God has been leading us in this direction for both personal health and financial reasons. Much of our protein has come from our own free-ranging chickens and their eggs, and deer meat. For me it has been a difficult transition. I didn't grow up raising my own meat animals, or hunting. At first it was a challenge. But the respect and appreciation I have gained through the process has made it all worthwhile. I know where my food comes from. I don't waste a thing. I work, feeding the animals and the soil. I work the soil, and work to ensure that the animals we raise are well cared for, and their every need is being me. I feel connected to what I put into my body, and thank God for every little morsel of nourishment He provides.
We were trying to think of a truly economical protein source. All our research led us to rabbits. They are low maintenance animals. They aren't expensive to feed. They are easy to keep healthy. They reproduce very easily. They only have a 31 day gestation period. They are small. Their meat is lean and flavorful. We wouldn't overflow the freezer come 'harvest' time. Best of all, their manure is incredible fertilizer, and doesn't even have to be composted.
So, it was settled. A friend hooked us up with some great medium sized rabbits. A doe that will be ready to breed in June, a very young buck that will be ready to breed in August, and a pregnant doe. **Just so you know, I was really hoping for some that weren't so stinking adorable**
The young buck (gray) and young doe (white) |
The pregnant doe |
August 28 we put the nesting box in with the expectant mama....and nothing happened for two days. Then, all of a sudden she started pulling her fur out like crazy.
Mama's bald patches |
I said, "we may have babies tomorrow". Two hours later, we checked on her, and there they were!
There are four kits - three black, and one white, and all appear healthy. Personally, I'm hoping they're ugly.
Oh, I love the little rabbits <3 The black mum looks like my first rabbit that I had as a child.
And yes, your soaps are gorgeous. That´s why I was wisiting your blog :)
Thanks so much!
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