Saturday, July 12, 2008

Go to Work with Daddy Day!

The girls went to work with Daddy yesterday.....FIELD TRIP!
They came home with a spot or two of dirt. And Kasi rode a bike (a two wheeler) down a steep hill, at the last minute deciding to dodge a mud puddle in the gravel. Wipe out! She has a couple of new boo-boos.

So the girls got to visit the piggies and play in the mud and I got to go run errands all by myself. The bank folks didn't recognize me without my girls limboing while in line, and I only spent 30 minutes at the grocery store, spent less than $40 and didn't visit the bathroom. Who's life is this, anyways?

1 comment:

Sherlyn said...

I love it when people share tibits of their daily life. Your girls are precious. Sorry to hear about the new boo-boo's though! I know their daddy loved having them with him for the day! See you soon - love you!